Teachers, I’ve had the opportunity to talk a lot of you over the last few months but would love to hear from more. One of my top priorities as a board member is to repair the trust between teachers and the board because it takes us all to make the district successful. The lack of cohesiveness on the board the last few years has done a disservice to teachers.
Once I am a board member, what are some things the board can do to support you more? What policies are really restricting you from being as successful as you can be?
What have I done to fight for teacher’s rights so far? I’ve been there by your side at board meetings, speaking up when certain members of the board attempted to suppress teacher’s right to free speech by using doctored evidence and strategic lawsuits to cause fear. I showed up; I spoke up. I didn’t sit on the sidelines watching it all happen, I rolled up my sleeves and worked. I have been there at not just board meetings, but at the work sessions and non-televised committee meetings, listening and thinking of strategic solutions. Most recently I was there with many of you at the policy committee meeting listening to you regarding homework policy that would really cripple your success. I will continue to follow this policy at the work session tomorrow and will speak up as a parent if need be. I have heard that some candidates feel that just because I am the only one to show up at board meetings does not make me the most qualified. But you do not apply for a job and not show up the first day. Or research the job ahead of time. To be successful you study and prepare ahead of time.
I want to ensure that teachers have the freedom to manage their classrooms based on the unique needs of their students. Without interference by unnecessary policy created by the board to micromanage classrooms due to a board members personal whims. Policy should always have a clear intent and be designed with children and teacher’s best interest at heart. Policy should provide clear guidance and not be suggestive. Policy should secure that the district remains within the laws set forth by the state. Policy should not be set based on personal bias or to champion a personal cause.
Teachers have the right to share their opinion and seek instruction without fear of retribution by the school board. Teachers should be able to express their First Amendment rights when they are at home or off of work without fear the school board will come after them. Teachers have earned our respect as a community and deserve to be respected by the board.
I have been there on the front lines with you. And I will continue to fight for you. You are a key reason our district is as great as it is. Showing up is the minimum expectation a board candidate should meet. I am the only candidate proving my commitment. You can trust me to be there tomorrow because I am here today.
I am asking for your support this election. I want to earn your vote.